East Coast
October 31, 2024
PeakRankings Score
To give each resort a Mountain Score, we assess 10 equally weighted categories that paint an overall picture of the typical mountain experience.
[Year] Rankings
Overall Rank
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United States
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Category Scores

Criteria Breakdown
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The resort gets top accumulation and snow that forms in a way that feels light and powdery all the time.
The resort sees very good accumulation and gets powder that takes awhile to track or feels notably light.
The resort sees very good snow accumulation each season that tends to stay powdery for several days in a row.
The resort sees very good, powdery snow accumulation each season, but powder doesn't always last long at certain places in the resort.
The resort sees good accumulation that forms a solid base each season and sometimes sees powder but sometimes suffers from variable cover.
The resort sees decent accumulation each season but sometimes suffers from variable cover and rarely sees powder.
The resort sees okay accumulation each season. Non-snowmaking trails regularly suffer from thin or variable cover.
The resort sees mediocre accumulation each season. Thin cover is a given on all non-snowmaking trails.
The resort receives poor accumulation each season and must heavily rely on snowmaking to stay open.
The resort would have little to no snow if it weren't for snowmaking. If you're not on a trail, you probably don't see any accumulation.
The resort doesn’t get any snow.

Criteria Breakdown
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High-speed lifts exist across every mountain area. Helper lifts are high-speed as well.
Most lifts are high-speed, with only a few areas serviced by helper fixed-grip lifts.
All but a few areas are accessible by high-speed lifts. Helper lifts may be fixed grip.
Most areas are accessible by high-speed lifts. Helper lifts are fixed grip.
Many areas are accessible by high-speed lifts, but some are only serviced by fixed-grip lifts.
About half of areas are accessible by high-speed lifts.
A few areas are accessible by high-speed lifts, but most areas only see fixed-grip lift service.
All lifts are fixed grip but some are at least modern.
Lifts are extremely old or low-capacity. Some places are only serviced by surface lifts.
Surface lifts only.
No lifts.

Criteria Breakdown
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The mountain can quickly recover from the worst conditions and deliver the exact same experience as on a good day.
The mountain can quickly recover from almost any poor conditions thanks to excellent poor snow and weather mitigation.
The mountain successfully mitigates snow or weather issues in nearly every mountain area and across all terrain categories. A few parts of the resort may occasionally see significant impacts.
The mountain successfully mitigates snow or weather issues in most mountain areas, but some parts of the mountain are highly affected by inclement weather or poor conditions.
The mountain successfully mitigates snow or weather issues in many mountain areas, but other parts are highly susceptible to inclement weather or poor conditions.
The mountain has some capabilities to avoid inclement weather or poor conditions, but struggles to mitigate poor conditions in many mountain areas.
The mountain has some capabilities to avoid inclement weather or poor conditions, but is regularly forced to close a few major parts of the mountain. Under severe circumstances, the mountain may be forced to completely suspend operations.
The mountain has some capabilities to avoid inclement weather or poor conditions, but is regularly forced to close multiple major mountain areas. Occasionally, the mountain may be forced to suspend operations completely.
In the event of any inclement weather, the mountain loses most of its skiable terrain, with restoration regularly taking several days or weeks. A few small runs may stay open.
In the event of any inclement weather, the mountain loses its entire skiable footprint and may take weeks to recover.
Any inclement weather issues are season-ending.
Crowd Flow

Criteria Breakdown
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The mountain's infrastructure is perfectly set up for crowd flow and capacity and does the best possible job to mitigate crowding.
The mountain's lift infrastructure is mostly direct and well-placed with excellent capacity.
The mountain's lift infrastructure is mostly direct and well-placed with good capacity. One or two areas could use a capacity upgrade.
The mountain's lift infrastructure is usually direct and well-placed with good capacity. A few areas could use a capacity upgrade or better placed lifts. Trails themselves rarely become chokepoints.
The mountain's lift and trail network is usually direct with good capacity. Some areas suffer from indirect lift placements or poorly thought out junctions.
The mountain’s lift and trail network comprises a comparable mix of direct, well-placed routes and indirect or capacity-constrained ones.
The mountain's lift and trail network is set up in a way that causes major crowding or indirect routing for many popular routes. Some areas are served by direct, well-placed lifts.
The mountain's lift and trail network causes serious crowding or indirect routing for most areas, but a few places are served by direct, well-placed lifts.
The mountain's lift and trail network is not equipped to handle crowds on a normal day and sees backups of more than half an hour.
The mountain's crowd flow logistics are seriously flawed. Poor lift placement and uphill capacity can cause backups of more than an hour.
The mountain's crowd flow logistics are so bad that you shouldn't expect to get on the mountain on a typical day.

Criteria Breakdown
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7000+ skiable acres
3500-7000 skiable acres
2500-3500 skiable acres
1800-2500 skiable acres
1200-1800 skiable acres
800-1200 skiable acres
500-800 skiable acres
250-500 skiable acres
100-250 skiable acres
1-100 skiable acres
0 skiable acres

Criteria Breakdown
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The mountain boasts easily accessible, high-capacity lodges at every major and minor junction area.
The mountain boasts easily accessible, high-capacity lodges throughout most mountain areas.
The mountain boasts several lodges or huts across the resort. A few minor mid- or high-elevation areas lack easy access to high-capacity facilities.
The mountain boasts several lodges or huts across the resort. Some major mountain areas lack easy access to high-capacity facilities.
The mountain boasts several lodges or huts across multiple areas, but some places lack easy access to the closest facilities.
The mountain consists of high-capacity lodges at each base area but suffers from limited, low-capacity, or impractically placed on-mountain facilities.
The mountain consists of high-capacity lodges at each base area. Any on-mountain facilities are limited, low-capacity, and impractically placed.
The mountain consists of at least one high-capacity base lodge but no on-mountain facilities.
The mountain consists of a moderately-sized base lodge but no on-mountain facilities.
The mountain consists of a singular base lodge that's either impractically small or hard to reach.
The mountain doesn't consist of any on-site lodge facilities.
Terrain Diversity

Criteria Breakdown
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The mountain has an abundance of terrain in all categories for all ability levels.
The mountain offers multiple options in all terrain categories you'd typically find at a ski resort.
The mountain offers at least some options in all terrain categories you'd typically find at a ski resort.
The mountain offers terrain in most categories for a range of ability levels, but may fall short in one or two areas.
The mountain offers terrain in many categories but either falls short or lacks terrain in a few others.
The mountain offers terrain of varying lengths, gradients, and widths but lacks terrain in multiple categories.
The mountain offers similar terrain of moderately different lengths, gradients, and widths.
The mountain offers similar terrain of slightly different lengths, gradients, or widths.
The mountain consists of runs that are similar to one another but vary slightly by difficulty.
The mountain only consists of runs that provide nearly identical terrain experiences.
The mountain has no terrain.

Criteria Breakdown
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It's easy, direct, and clear to get anywhere on the mountain from any place.
It's easy, direct, and clear to get anywhere on the mountain from most places. A small fraction of trails don't have direct access to all other mountain areas.
It's easy to get to and from most mountain areas. A few minor areas aren't directly accessible from all other parts of the resort or may be hard to find.
It's reasonably simple to get between most major mountain areas. A few areas require catwalks or traverses to get to or from or are hard to find. Some areas require multiple direct lift rides to travel between.
It's reasonably simple to get between many major mountain areas, but some areas require more effort due to poor signage, indirect lifts, or catwalks.
Some mountain areas are easy to navigate while others require more effort due to poor signage, indirect lifts, or catwalks.
Some mountain areas are easy to get between, but navigating many major areas can be confusing. Some major trails may suffer from poor signage or require catwalks.
It can take multiple lifts or be notably confusing to get between major resort areas. Many resort areas suffer from indirect trail routes, poor signage, or multiple catwalks.
It takes a substantial amount of effort and multiple indirect lifts to get between resort areas with little enjoyable terrain in between. Expect to occasionally get lost.
Expect to regularly get lost at this resort due to poor signage and lift placement. Getting between mountain areas requires notable effort and extremely unenjoyable terrain.
It's impossible to get around this resort. You will likely get lost or spend your whole day trying to get from one place to another.

Criteria Breakdown
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The resort boasts truly extreme terrain across several prominent areas. Any double blacks should not be attempted, even by experts, without using extreme caution.
Select resort areas boast some of the most challenging runs in the world. The most challenging terrain should not be attempted, even by experts, without using extreme caution.
The mountain boasts extremely demanding terrain with sustained pitches, cliffs, drop-ins, and/or tight turns.
The mountain offers a range of very steep, ungroomed terrain with features like cliffs, drop-ins, or tight turns.
The mountain offers a range of steep, difficult terrain, with expert features like cliffs in some places.
The mountain offers some fairly steep groomed and ungroomed runs.
The mountain offers some steep runs but very little ungroomed terrain.
The mountain primarily offers groomed terrain with moderate pitches.
The mountain offers mostly gently-sloped terrain.
None of the mountain's terrain is more difficult than a typical bunny hill.
The mountain is completely flat.
Mountain Aesthetic

Criteria Breakdown
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The resort offers one-of-a-kind views, terrain, isolation, and vibes. You probably won't find a resort that feels like this again in your lifetime.
The resort offers unique terrain, views, and isolation that you'll rarely find anywhere else.
The resort clearly distinguishes itself with class-leading views, terrain, and isolation.
The resort feels unique, with high-quality views, terrain, and isolation across the footprint.
The resort doesn't boast the same unique terrain as some competing resorts but offers excellent views and isolation in many areas.
The resort offers some cool terrain and great views and isolation in some areas. Some areas may feel commercialized or built-up.
The resort offers decently cool terrain, nice views, or pockets of isolation in places. Major areas may feel commercialized or built-up.
The resort either feels commercialized or built-up around more than half the resort or offers only moderately interesting terrain, views and isolation.
The resort either feels commercialized or built-up in most areas or offers only mildly interesting terrain, views or isolation.
The resort barely feels like a mountain, with intense commercialization and very little in the way of views, terrain, or isolation.
The resort is completely flat or indoors.
Good To Know
On-site Lodging:
Nearest City:
Pass Affiliation:
Ikon Pass
Epic [Backend]
Ikon [Backend]
Mountain Collective [Backend]
Other [Backend]
Recommended Ability:
Beginner [Backend]
Intermediate [Backend]
Advanced [Backend]
Expert [Backend]
Extreme [Backend]
- Size for Vermont
- Terrain diversity
- Lift infrastructure
- Snowmaking operations
Pro Con Item [Backend]
- Lift logistics that lead to large crowds in popular areas
- Ease of navigation
Pro Con Item [Backend]
Mountain Stats
Skiable Footprint
Total Footprint
Lift-Serviced Terrain
Top Elevation
Vertical Drop
Comprehensive Review
For years, Killington has been a go-to resort for East Coast skiers and riders. Size, snow quality, and terrain diversity make this mountain incredibly appealing to anyone within driving distance. But while lift logistics and navigation have seen improvements in recent years, they’re still resort sore points.
Killington offers competitive East Coast snow quality. With elevations of up to 4,241 feet and diverse terrain, the resort sees decent natural snow accumulation each season. There is often enough snow for trails and glades to fill in naturally, but like most Vermont resorts, these tend to have thin cover.
In recent years, Killington has come ahead as the king of snowmaking in Vermont. The resort produces generous artificial accumulation on trails for all ability levels. Trails with early- and mid-season snowmaking, like Superstar, allow the resort to extend its season for several extra weeks in the spring. In recent years, Killington has modernized their snowmaking equipment to produce artificial snow on trails more directly and efficiently. Even in typical snow years, the resort can stay open until June with a select few trail offerings.
Like at all Vermont resorts, the conditions at Killington can vary. Trails can sometimes get icy or lose sufficient snow cover, and in some cases, conditions can change very abruptly. Many of them remain closed for significant lengths of time. The mountain occasionally lacks enough snow for moguls to ski anything that's ungroomed, and the bumps that already exist can turn into chunks of ice.
If you’re not happy with the day’s conditions, Killington will allow you to exchange your ticket for another day’s voucher before 10am. However, it’s important to know that these vouchers normally have to be used up within a year, meaning that they have little value if you’ve already bought the ticket for your current trip and don’t plan on frequenting the resort.
From bunny hills to steep chutes, Killington offers a wide variety of terrain for all levels. The well-thought-out Snowshed and Ramshead beginner areas offer a range of designated beginner terrain, including terrain parks and glades, for kids and adults who are just starting. Ramshead also offers some easier blues and has turned into more of a freestyle area in recent years. These areas are very removed from the rest of the resort and provide welcome isolation from more aggressive skiers elsewhere.
Intermediates will find groomed blue cruisers across all major mountain areas. Visitors of this ability level will appreciate the abundance of peak-to-base blue cruisers, some of which provide the most amazing views you’ll get anywhere in Vermont. A number of Killington's upper mountain blues, most notably Great Northern and some short trails off of Snowdon, used to be greens and are good progression trails for low intermediates. On the other hand, a couple are on the steeper side and are better for advanced intermediates.
For advanced and expert visitors, Killington offers a range of both groomed and ungroomed black and double-black diamond runs. These runs are quite steep, although some double blacks are on the easier side and would likely be classified as single blacks at other resorts. Experienced guests will find plenty of challenging mogul runs along Bear Mountain, Skye Peak, and Killington Peak. Trails such as Outer Limits and Ovation offer some of the steepest drops in the East. The Catwalk trail requires hiking and walking up a set of stairs, but the effort is well worth it.
Killington also offers some very demanding trees, and there are even a few cliffs if you know where to look. However, if you want to ski a long, mogully route, there are better places out there; a lot of expert terrain is fairly short and often only makes up part of a path down the mountain.
Killington has always been a leader when it comes to freestyle terrain, and the resort has further improved the experience in recent years thanks to its partnership with Woodward that added multiple progression parks. Features range from small to large, including unique natural features in the Stash area. An 18-foot halfpipe on Dream Maker typically opens later in the season, but some years, it doesn’t come to fruition.
There’s also the Sunrise area, which you can just ignore if you’re not living in a condo there. The area is difficult to reach, and there are only 3 green trails with mediocre snow cover, no beginner features, and slow lift service.
Although it boasts the longest vertical drop in the east, Killington does have six heavily developed base areas at varying elevations throughout the resort. As a result, you can directly access every mountain peak from at least one base area. While lots of people will like the convenience of this setup, guests expecting a true 3,000 vertical foot drop across some key mountain zones may be disappointed. In fact, the only way to do the full 3,000 foot vertical drop is to take one of the few very low elevation trails down to the Skyeship base, parts of which are very flat. The resort offers beautiful views of surrounding scenery, but the lift, lodge, and base buildup means that it's tough to find isolation in high elevation terrain.
The only places you’ll truly feel isolated here are at the top of the hike-only Catwalk trail—or a bit further up at the top of Killington Peak, which is not directly skiable but is accessible by foot. Once you make it up to these zones, you’ll have nobody else around you paired with breathtaking views of the surrounding mountaintops.
Killington gets cold throughout the season, but luckily, there are a number of places to stop in for a break. All six bases host large lodges with food and drink options. Not quite as much exists mid-mountain, but there are a couple of very solid food joints, including a Jamaican grill at the Skyeship mid-station. The fancy and expensive summit lodge at Killington Peak offers amazing views; however, it gets uncomfortably crowded during peak times and makes the top of the resort feel commercialized. This past season, the K1 Base Lodge was completely rebuilt, and the new structure is much fancier than the old one, providing upscale dining options and boasting escalators from the parking lots.
Killington is not for those who want a mountain that’s simple to get around. It’s possible to get pretty much anywhere at the resort from the top, but ending up in the wrong place is way too easy given the nature of there being six bases. Signage is fairly well-maintained throughout the mountain, including large trail maps at key locations, but it could be better designed; while signs generally have directions to each of the bases, they don’t have any lift directions, making it really unclear how to find some mid-mountain lifts.
A major Killington downside is that getting between certain mountain areas requires multiple lift rides or few minutes of catwalking. If you're going from anywhere on the Skye Peak side to the Killington Peak side—and you're not an expert—catwalking is essentially unavoidable. There are some flat parts in certain mountain areas, and it takes a bit of a learning curve to figure out how to avoid them. Snowshed and Ramshead’s isolation deflects aggressive skier traffic but makes it very difficult for guests to navigate their way in or out; unless you know what you're doing, it's way too easy to end up on a flat trail in either direction. Getting between the two areas themselves is made easier by a bidirectional ski tunnel, but that itself is also pretty flat with some mild uphill sections in both directions.
Killington installed four ski tunnels at busy trail intersections in recent seasons. These tunnels have improved the overall resort experience by mitigating collision risk and keeping skiers of different ability levels separated. However, they’ve also eliminated a few useful trail intersections.
Killington boasts impressive lift infrastructure. Guests can access all major mountain areas via one or more high-speed lifts, although many helper lifts and some chairs serving minor areas are fixed-grip. The two gondolas and recently added bubble chair provide welcome isolation from the elements.
A couple of seasons ago, Killington made two major lift improvements. First, they replaced the old Snowdon Quad with the Snowdon Six bubble chair, giving Snowdon Mountain high-speed lift service for the first time. Second, they installed the South Ridge Quad, restoring direct lift service to this part of the mountain after a several-year absence; previously, guests would have to ski all the way down to the Bear Mountain base and take two indirect lifts just to lap this terrain.
But Killington’s lift setup still has some downsides. Many bases have only one major lift out, which leads to long lines. Multiple lifts at K1’s base are a catwalk’s distance away from each other. The popular Killington Peak Lodge is only accessible by the K1 Gondola, making that lift especially bad on busy weekends and holidays. Many alternatives to main lifts are slow, very exposed to wind, or inaccessible from the base, making them undesirable. This past season, the resort introduced the Fast Tracks program, which allows guests to pay a premium to skip the lines at many popular lifts.
While lift tickets can be purchased at any base area, the resort’s main ticket office is at Snowshed—condo, lesson, and ski school registrations have to be done here. Accordingly, lines for these services can get really long. Crowds on some key runs can get pretty heavy too; sometimes, the biggest obstacles are the other people on the trail.
Killington offers extensive lodging options in town but very few slopeside hotels. Only a few places have direct access to hot tubs or pools; many offer these amenities in the same complex but a different building. The High Ridge, Fall Line, Whiffletree, and Trail Creek condo communities near Snowshed feature ski-in access but no lift service. Privately-owned condos along Skyeship and Sunrise are far from town but typically your best bet for ski-in/ski-out accommodations. It’s worth noting that a free shuttle bus service to the mountain services most lodging options in town.
Killington delivers an impressive aprés-ski and nightlife scene. Most base lodges include a bar with live aprés-ski music at least once a week, and the K1 lodge features a band every day during peak times. There are a few mid-mountain bars, including one at the Peak Lodge. The K1 and Snowshed bases offer outdoor umbrella bars with live music during the spring.
The town’s access road offers upscale restaurants, sports & billiards bars, nightclubs, and live music venues. Few are within walking distance of hotels and condos, but Ubers and shuttle buses are available here. There’s plenty going on in the nearby town of Rutland as well.
Killington asks a fairly high ticket price for Vermont and has a few logistical issues, but you won’t find anything else like it on the East Coast. While it’s no match for the major resorts out west, nobody in Vermont can beat Killington in size and few can compete in snowmaking. On top of that, the infrastructure upgrades made in recent years have had significant impacts on Killington’s lift and crowd flow experiences. If you’re looking for a mountain in Vermont that offers something for everyone, it’s hard to find a better place than Killington.
Best Winter Wonderland Getaway
The resort is a true winter wonderland, with stunning scenery and fantastic skiing conditions. The après-ski activities were a blast, and the staff went out of their way to ensure everything ran smoothly. I especially enjoyed the variety of trails and the relaxing atmosphere after a day on the slopes.
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