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Ikon Adds Windham and Mount Bachelor as Pass Partners
Alterra has announced that Mount Bachelor in Oregon and Windham in New York will partner with Ikon starting in the 2020-21 season. Full passholders will have access to 7 days at both mountains, while base passholders will have access to 5 days.
April 28, 2020
Ikon Pass Prices Go up Tomorrow. Here’s What You Need to Know If You’re on the Fence.
With the deadline for Ikon’s lowest pass prices fast approaching, many are debating whether to pick up the pass for next season. Some are concerned the season may be cancelled, while others may want to know how the passes compare to similar Epic Pass products. In this piece, we’ll aim to shed light on both of these topics.
June 16, 2020
Alterra Releases 2020-21 Lift Ticket and Ikon Pass Reservation Policies (Many Resorts Don’t Require One)
Alterra released their initial ticket and pass policies for the upcoming winter today. Many Ikon resorts, including the overwhelming majority of unlimited destinations, will not require reservations. However, multi-day pass products for Alterra-owned mountains will be severely limited.
September 14, 2020
Epic or Ikon: Which Should You Choose?
Today is the last day to buy an Epic Pass before prices go up for the third, and likely final, time tomorrow. In this piece, we’ll aim to shed light on the differences between Ikon and Epic—and whether either is worth getting during these uncertain times.
November 22, 2020
Initial Impressions: Mount Hood Resorts
We spent the past few weeks road tripping around the Pacific Northwest, starting at Oregon’s Mount Hood. Here are our initial thoughts on the three ski resorts we visited there.
February 13, 2021
Timberline Magic Mile: Early Season Rock Warning
A run down Timberline's Magic Mile area between Gordo's Mile and Otto Lang. On this ungroomed terrain, a new layer of powder masked some hidden rocks.
Mount Hood Skibowl
This small, no-frills mountain offers less crowded slopes and extensive night skiing close to Portland.
Mountain Review
August 11, 2021
Timberline Lodge
North America’s only four-season outdoor ski resort provides a one-of-a-kind summer experience but fails to stand out during the core winter season.
Mount Hood Meadows
Mount Hood’s largest ski resort boasts diverse terrain and a reasonably large footprint. High-alpine areas are subject to extremely variable opening
Mount Bachelor
Inconsistent openings for its most unique terrain seriously hurt this massive Oregon resort’s practicality as a destination ski area.
July 25, 2021
Mount Ashland
This southern Oregon resort suffers from its tiny size and dated infrastructure, though surprisingly extensive advanced terrain and great views help it stand out among local resorts.
July 30, 2024
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